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Processed: merges: wishes #433 and #1317; bugs #676 and #965

Processing commands for control@xxxxxxxxxxxx:

> merge 433 1317
bug#433: mutt-1.3.13i: There should be a variable editor_charset
bug#1317: mutt-1.4i: Split charset config var into edit_charset and charset?
Merged 433 1317.

> merge 676 965
bug#676: mutt-1.3.19: build-bug (iconv) (from: philipp@xxxxxxxxxx)
bug#965: mutt-1.3.25i: libiconv is not clearly shown as required
Merged 676 965.

End of message, stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Herr der Kaefer
(administrator, GUUG bugs database)