send-hook's based on what alternate was used
* Sep 07 12:01 Thomas Roessler <roessler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> On 2003-09-07 00:57:31 +0200, Johan Svedberg wrote:
> >> Well I tried it. It appears that send-hook does not understand
> >> '~f' pattern. At least my version of mutt complains "unknown
> >> variable".
> That sounds like you have a mistake in your hooks -- send-hook
> certainly understands ~f. Could you post your precise send-hooks to
> the list?
Sure. I'll just explain the context first; I'm trying to improve my
send-hook's so that they work based on which of my $alternates was
chosen as From-address. This is what I've been trying:
send-hook . "unmy_hdr From: Johan Svedberg <johan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>"
send-hook . 'my_hdr Message-ID: <`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M% S"`.GA`(id; echo $$;
date) | openssl md5 | cut -c 1-5`.johan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>'
send-hook "~f dv03jsg@xxxxxxxxx" 'my_hdr Message-ID: <`date
+"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`.GA `(id; echo $$; date) | openssl md5 | cut -c
The problem I'm getting is that the default (.) Message-ID is used even
when i have dv03jsg@xxxxxxxxx in my From-header. Switching the order of
the above doesn't help. What am I missing?
Johan Svedberg, johan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,