Begin forwarded message: From: Seth Johnson <seth.johnson@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: June 10, 2005 11:53:24 PM EDT To: dave@xxxxxxxxxx Cc: kiphumphrey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Call for Submissions: Election Assessment Hearing, June 29th Dear Dave, Please note the following call for submissions and press release for the Election Assessment Hearing to be held in Houston, Texas on June 29th. We are reviewing evidence representing issues with election processes being investigated by organizations and individuals in many States across the country. We would like to invite you to offer any analyses, studies or data that you may have as a submission for this hearing, so we can begin to build a comprehensive picture of how well election processes are meeting requirements. Preliminary results from this survey will be submitted to the Carter-Baker Commission on Federal Electoral Reform, which is conducting its second and final hearing the next day, also in Houston. Documents for the call for submissions and the press release are attached, as well. Note that we are requesting submissions by Thursday, June 16th. Please feel free to forward these items to other prospective participants. Seth Johnson --- Call for Submissions Election Assessment Hearing June 29th, 2005 Houston, Texas 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Press Conference to follow Venue to be determined Please forward this call to other prospective paricipants. This hearing is the initiation of a broad survey to review data and hear testimony representing issues with the 2004 Presidential election processes, along with potential causes and recommended improvements. We are soliciting submissions of research, testimony and evidence for consideration from any and all expert sources with information pertinent to the identification of problems in the United States election systems and processes. If you would like to submit your research, testimony and evidence, and if you would like to be considered for participation during the Hearing, please provide the following data. Please send your submissions by Thursday, June 16, 2005 to: submissions@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Note that you do NOT need to speak at the Hearing to have your research, analysis, testimony or evidence included in the documentation and report produced by this Hearing. You must, however, return a submission proposal to be considered and included. 1. Basic Information: Name: Organization/Affiliation: Title/Function: Day Phone: Evening Phone: Fax: E-mail: Address: Do you wish to be considered for oral testimony or presentation? Submission Description (Up to 150 words including 3 bullet points of key topics. You may also attach a longer abstract if you wish): Biographies/Credentials (Up to 120 words. You may also attach a resume or CV): II. Submission Cataloging: Please help us catalog your submission by listing the following. These lists do not need to be extensive; just list, using short terms, the most relevant items under each: 1) Which of the following processes does your submission make specific comments on as far as problems, causes or solutions? voter registration early voting absentee voting provisional voting voter verification voting preparation vote capture vote counting chain of custody vote recounting vote auditing other: _____________________ 2) What issues/problems with the electoral process does your submission address or represent? As much as possible, use short terms that convey desirable characteristics of the process not being fulfilled. 3) Does your submission address the reasons or causes for the issues you identify? 4) Does your submission address solutions or recommended improvements for the issues you identify? III. Key Dates: June 16: Submissions proposing oral presentations or testimony due Mailto: submissions@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx June 18: Presenters selected June 22: Data, presentations and documentation due Mailto: presentations@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx June 29: The Election Assessment Hearing, at University of Houston Honors College Auditorium, Houston, TX June 30: Issuance of preliminary summary statement to Carter-Baker Commission. IV. Guidelines for Preparation of Submissions: Speak with data. Present from an objective, dispassionate perspective rather than an emotional, biased-in-appearance perspective. Document facts and findings using scientific methods: Document the source of data. Always best to have the actual source data, eg. Actual ballots were analyzed as opposed to copies analyzed. Document procedures used to collect data, measure results or observe problems in a way that is “reproducible.” (Can someone else repeat your findings?). If copies of documents were made, describe the controls used to assure completeness of data and controls to prevent loss of data. If you draw conclusions, document the rationale and any assumptions made in coming to that conclusion. For statistical analysis, document the sample size, method of sampling, confidence level and bounds (“margin of error”). Has the analysis or work been peer reviewed? Document any anomalies in the procedures or findings. For studies with high volume of information, include an executive summary with key points. Document the quality control procedures and techniques used to ensure the integrity of the analysis results and conclusions. For Questions contact: Kip Humphrey: kiphumphrey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Larry English: Larry.English@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx --- Press Release: June 9, 2005 Contacts: Kip Humphrey, 713.956.8792 Seth Johnson, 212.543.4266 For Immediate Release Attn: Political assignments desk PRESS RELEASE: ELECTION ASSESSMENT HEARING JUNE 29TH, HOUSTON, TEXAS Evidentiary Hearing of Electoral Process Failures WHO: Technical and professional experts, computer engineers and experts, statisticians, researchers, attorneys and journalists who have been investigating and analyzing problems with election processes in the November 2004 elections will gather from around the country for a citizen-initiated Election Assessment Hearing to deliver preliminary testimony of their findings to an independent panel. WHAT: The goal of this non-partisan event is to bring to light critical election data not previously publicized, but necessary to repair and safeguard our democratic election processes. The Hearing will address critical issues not being covered by the Carter-Baker Commission on Federal Electoral Reform, which will hold its second and final hearing in Houston the following day. Intended as an initial survey offering a more accurate and complete picture of issues observed in our electoral processes, the Election Assessment Hearing seeks to understand the breadth and diversity of concerns, to identify the current quality of election processes, to review and analyze the evidence and to facilitate the sustainable improvement of electoral processes by election administrators, policymakers, advisors, voters and other participants in the production of vote counts. An initial compilation of prepared statements with supporting documents will be released and distributed the day of the hearing, and will be delivered to the Carter-Baker Commission the next day. In following weeks, a group of information experts, spearheaded by information quality improvement specialist Larry P. English, will survey the testimony and supporting documents, both presented and submitted to the hearing panel, and provide an objective quality assessment that will be distributed to State election officials around the country. Organizers are soliciting submissions from any and all expert sources with information relevant to problems in the election and election systems. WHY: No comprehensive survey and assessment of 2004 election process failings has yet been presented in a public forum. The Election Assessment Hearing will be the first opportunity for the public to hear preliminary findings in this area. Currently, every State is grappling with the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) without the benefit of this vital information, and facing important decisions that may fundamentally affect our election processes. The results of the Election Assessment Hearing, combined with submissions from around the country, will be made available to state election officials to aid them in making more effective and informed decisions. WHERE: Houston, Texas (location to be announced at a later date) WHEN: Wednesday, June 29th, 2005, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm SUBMISSIONS: Kip Humphrey at kiphumphrey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx PRESENTERS: To be announced PANELISTS: To be announced ------------------------------------- You are subscribed as roessler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx To manage your subscription, go to Archives at:
EAH Call for Submissions.doc
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EAH Press Release.doc
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