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[IP] more on New Website: John Gilmore vs. 'Papers, Please'

Many have asked why I give Mr Bray distribution. While I most of the time disagree with him, knowing what the other side thinks is part of being aware. djf

Begin forwarded message:

From: Hiawatha Bray <watha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: August 16, 2004 2:10:27 PM EDT
To: dave@xxxxxxxxxx, Ip <ip@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: [IP] New Website: John Gilmore vs. 'Papers, Please'

By all means, keep us informed. Let the word go forth bar and wide, that there's some guy named Gilmore with time on his hands and a severe deficit
of common sense.

One more time, people--you do NOT have a right to travel on an airplane
without identifying yourself.  There is NO SUCH RIGHT.  The airlines are
perfectly free to set reasonable requirements for its passengers.  For
instance, if you're disabled or obese, you can't sit in the emergency exit row, for fear of trapping people on the plane during an accident. You don't
like it, stay on the ground.

Same principle here. With gibbering maniacs seeking to kill helpless people on airplanes, the airlines have decided to make a few half-hearted stabs at keeping us safe. Among other things, they expect to know the identities of those who fly. My only complaint is that it's still too easy to defeat such
security systems.  I can't imagine the folly of demanding that all such
security efforts be abandoned, because they give offense to Mr. Gilmore.

Ah well, crazy as our courts are, I doubt they're crazy enough to waste much
time on this case.

Hiawatha Bray
Boston Globe

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