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[IP] Mr. Pulver to D.C.

From: Dave Burstein <dave3@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Policy folk - The Pulver FCC story is breaking, but please be cautious. The pricing will mean telcos and cablecos will probably dominate VOIP, not the independents. VOIP requires broadband, and Qwest's pricing in the bundle essentially requires buying $25 of Qwest phone service to get DSL. If copied by the cable guys, Vonage and the like will be a niche, not a revolution.

Note also that the access charge issue is $10B, really big. The flip side is the telcos attempt to raise basic phone rates, state by state and nationally. This will be far more dollars out of consumer pockets for the next few years, and more important to telco profits. Ask me to share data and sources anytime. db
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