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[IP] Cell phone ring tone sales hit $3.5B

-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Lorenzo Hall <jhall@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 12:23:12 
To:Dave Farber <dave@xxxxxxxxxx>, Declan McCullagh <declan@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Cell phone ring tone sales hit $3.5B

esp. note the last paragraph below... -Joe


Cell phone ring tone sales hit $3.5B

Those little jingles are turning into a big business.
January 13, 2004: 1:31 PM EST

LONDON (Reuters) - Sales of mobile phone ring tones, those tinny song
recordings programmed into millions of handsets around the world,
jumped 40 percent in the past year to $3.5 billion, according to a
study released on Tuesday.

The worldwide sale of ring tones, which started as a marketing gimmick
for music labels and mobile phone companies, is roughly equivalent to
10 percent of the $32.2 billion global music market.


Joseph Lorenzo Hall                    http://pobox.com/~joehall/
Graduate Student             blog: http://pobox.com/~joehall/nqb/

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