I played around looking in the archives and came up with a list of common themes of complaints about the GNSO and predecessor DNSO and found these areas;
1. Collection of data.
2. Coordination with other aspects of ICANN.
3. Analysis of data.
4. Liaseing with stakeholders.
5. taking care of routine business.
6. Awareness of By Laws.
7. Scheduling and timelines.
8. Oversight of implementation of Task Force and WG suggestions.
Then I went looking for who was in charge for the GNSO of doing such things.
After some headscratching I found no one.
Then I found this well laid out position that seems to have been drawn up after reaching the same conclusions as I did;
I believe that there are several folks around here that would do well for all by applying not only for the position but applying themselves to the position. While I assume the pay is minimal and it would be a setback to many egos it would be a position that could truly help transform a sometimes less than optimal group into one that flourishes.
If I were not to busy globetrotting and setting up direct aid programs and dealing in insurance and dabbling in international law and ministering, I would love to apply for such gratifiying work.