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Re: [ga] Vint Cerf opposed to users being redirected to search engines

I agree with Karl that many (if not most) users of the web do not care about the religious purity of the experience and more about finding what they want.

More to the point, it seems to me that none of us (not even the mighty ICANN) has the right nor the power to control what happens in this instance. At the desktop???? I think not. In fact...I'm sure not.
Karl Auerbach wrote:

On Fri, 5 Sep 2003, L. Gallegos wrote:

The link below requires a subscription to wsjonline. If anyone knows of any other articles reporting this opinion by Mr. Cerf, I'd like to see it.

In case anywone has not noticed, Microsoft's Internet Exploder^H^H^Hrer comes from the factory with "search" enabled.

There is a long road between what a user enters into a browser's "address bar" and what is seen in the browser windows. Along that road the user's entry may evolve considerably.

Microsoft has given itself priority places along that roadway, but we have seen others, new.net being but one, who also have made use of the place between the address bar and the window.

I seriously doubt that many web users care much about the religious purity
of domain names; I suggest that users care, instead, much more about
finding what they want.


Dan Steinberg

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