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Re: [ga] Vint Cerf opposed to users being redirected to search engines

Karl Auerbach wrote:

"I seriously doubt that many web users care much about the religious purity

of domain names; I suggest that users care, instead, much more about
finding what they want."

Ah, a good point. But many "users" are rather indolent and don't want to expend much effort at all in looking for what they want (or in creating it!). Hence, it's a whole lot easier for the capos to regiment entire crossections of the layman user population into their defined domainverse which is constantly working its way to "perfection" (i.e. Truth in Domain Names") and to have done with it. If the slough keeps feeding the trough, the piglets and their friends will thrive into perpetuity until a New Paradigm becomes available. Hark! The Dark Ages are upon us once more. What did Mr. Orwell call it? thoughtcrime...
Sotiris Sotiropoulos