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Re: [ga] RE: ICANN Litigation Documents website, and WLS

I have never doubted that Dan is probably a decent, personable guy in his
personal life... and I hate having to go on and on at him about his inaction
in certain areas... but in his professional role he has created the
impression that he is either inefficient (unlikely) or deliberately
unresponsive when faced with awkward issues (pretty demonstrable).

Rick, however nice you or I want to be about Dan (and his young family), he
has had responsibilities as ICANN-Registrar Liaison executive.

One of those responsibilities is to address (and respond to) serious
concerns about registrar conduct, registrar accreditation, the operability
of Registry/Registrar agreements drafted by ICANN etc etc.

Why should detailed and demonstrable concerns, discussed and taken seriously
by others, be left unanswered by Dan Halloran?

Why have I had to wait over 500 days for even the courtesy of a response
from Dan Halloran.

Sorry, Rick, but your comments on Dan's young family life don't completely
hold water. I, too, have a young family. Other's have sick parents. People
attempt to participate in ICANN. People spend time in detailed
correspondence, aimed at the public good, and written with care and

I have spent my precious family time trying to participate in ICANN.

Doesn't that, at least, deserve the courtesy of an acknowledgement from Dan

I genuinely wish Dan well, but I genuinely want a response.


Richard Henderson

----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Wesson <wessorh@xxxxxx>
To: <admin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: 'George Kirikos' <gkirikos@xxxxxxxxx>; <ga@xxxxxxxx>; 'Dan Halloran'
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2003 7:27 AM
Subject: RE: [ga] RE: ICANN Litigation Documents website, and WLS

> Russ,
> to the lay person it may seem that Dan Halloran does nothing; however, I
> can personally attest that dan works more hours than I, and has worked
> probably more than he desired. As a new father I'm sure he has worked more
> than his family has wished, which is more than any man should.
> I have alot of respect for Dan and the hours he puts in. He does a better
> job than any of us could.
> best,
> -rick