Re: [FYI] How Modern Terrorism Uses the Internet
On Tue, 20 Apr 2004 10:44:17 +0200, "Axel H Horns"
<axel.h.horns@xxxxxxx> wrote:
Man lese mal diese Varinate:
| ? The great virtues of pre-paid mobile telephony ? ease of access,
| lack of regulation, vast potential audiences, and fast flow of
| information, among others ? have been turned to the advantage of
| groups committed to terrorizing societies to achieve their goals.
| ? Today, all active terrorist groups have established their presence
| on the classified-ad pages of small magazines. Our scan of
| classified-ad pages of small magazines in 2003?4 revealed hundreds
| of coded classified ads used for commnication by terrorists and their
| supporters.
Das ist fast zu simpel als Argument, tritt aber eben die Sache und ist
schwerst zu widerlegen ;) .
oliver gassner - radbrunnengasse 1/2 - D-71665 vaihingen an der enz
og@xxxxxxxxx - mobil 0179 297 234 2 -
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