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[council] ccNSO and GAC joint meetings preparation

thanks for participating in the lunch.
These are the topics that were mentioned as important to be raised during our ccNSO/GNSO and GAC/GNSO meetings:


Edmond will comment about:

In relation with the working team for IDNs, the group is not formed yet because there must be 5 (five) representatives from each SO, but ccNSO is having difficulties in defining them.
From the GNSO perspective there could be flexibility in relation with allowing more participants from ccNSO (seven?) and also allowing observers, allways keeping in mind that the group remains small.

Technical issues: some technical considerations may work for ccTLDs but may not work for IDN gtlds.

Revision of status of IDN PDP Working group, if needed.


Philipp will ask GAC:

How does GAC envision their role in the light of this new stage in ICAN under the Affirmation of Committments.
How does GAC will broaden participation from all countries.

Mike will comment about trademark issues in relation with new gtlds.

Please add other comments thay I may have missed.
Thanks again for your participation.
Best regards