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Re: [council] Confirmation of new practice at face to face open council meetings

That sounds exactly right.
I take it we are implementing these changes straight away, right?


Le 25/10/09 02:37, « Avri Doria » <avri@xxxxxxx> a écrit :

> Hi.
> After this mornings meeting I wanted to confirm several actions that I
> took away from the meeting:
> 1. the seats at the table for open council meetings will be reserved
> for council members, liaisons and relevant staff.  Chair, vice-chair
> (s) and staff will request that others take the observers seats.  For
> future meetings name placards will be requested to those to be seated
> at the table.
> 2. the observers will be requested to queue at the microphones, and
> the chair will be responsible for giving them the floor at appropriate
> points, though precedence for speaking will be given to those around
> the table.
> 3. any further changes to the practices at open meetings will be
> discussed by the new council at its discretion.
> Please let me know if I have misinterpreted the will of that meeting.
> a.

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