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[council] Olga Cavalli Candidacy Statement

Dear Council Members,

First I want to thank Bill for the nomination and Tony for seconding it.

I am happy and honored by this nomination to GNSO Chair Candidate.

Since I was appointed by the Noncom to the GNSO in 2007 I have tried to be as much active as possible in my role of council member, in order to understand the dynamics among the different constituencies in the GNSO and also the interaction between the Council and other ICANN organizations and committees as well as the whole Internet community.

In relation to the GNSO Restructuring Process, I volunteered and got involved in the following activities:

- Chair of the Constituency Operations Working Team.

- Member of the Operations Steering Committee OSC (Alternate Chair).

- Member of the Planning Team of the GNSO Improvements Process.

As I understand that the internationalization of the Internet is a key issue for broadening global participation, I volunteered for the following positions:

- GNSO representative in the IDN PDP Working Group.

- GNSO representative in the Geographic Regions Review Working Group.

- Member of the GNSO Comments on the IDNC Report drafting team.

In order to promote active participation and interaction between GNSO and other ICANN organizations, I volunteered for the following roles:

- GNSO liaison for the ccNSO.

- Chair of the GNSO Travel Drafting Team.

- GNSO representative in the last two joint AC/SO meetings held in Sydney and Mexico City.

If I am elected GNSO Chair I will do my best to accomplish my mission as Noncom Appointee to the GNSO, from a neutral perspective placing the broad public interest ahead of any particular interests.

I will help GNSO in meeting the restructuring and improvement process requirements, and at the same time follow different policy areas, like new gTLDs, IDNs and others that may arise.

This new stage in ICANN, in the light of the Affirmation of Commitments, will bring new communication and interaction challenges among the different ICANN supporting organizations, committees and the ICANN Board.
In this sense I would like to help GNSO to improve communications with all of them.

The GNSO is a challenging and intensive learning experience, and I would very much like to become chair to lead the Council in these times of change.

Best regards.

Olga Cavalli
12 October 2009.

2009/10/7 Glen de Saint Géry <Glen@xxxxxxxxx>

Dear Councillors,

Bill Drake, a Non Commercial Stakeholder Group Council member, has duly nominated Olga Cavalli for the position of Council chair.


Tony Harris, a Commercial Stakeholder Group Council member, has duly seconded the nomination.


Olga Cavalli has accepted the nomination and will submit a candidacy statement in writing to the Council not later than 14 October 2009.

Thank you,
Kind regards,

Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat