Forwarded From: Kevin Wilson Dear
GNSO Council: We
have received some questions about travel support for Seoul for GNSO
members. I thought it might help to have the GNSO Council see a general
response so that you won’t have to take up valuable Council time on this
subject. GNSO
currently has 23 travel support slots for each ICANN meeting.
(Note: 1 slot includes airfare and Lodging/PerDiem and can be split
between two members). My understanding is that the GNSO delegates to each
constituency the decision for assigning these slots. Since
the GNSO is transitioning to a new Council in Seoul, some constituencies may
feel a need to request an exception to the posted Travel Guidelines and request
additional support. I recommend that the leader/s of the
constituency group send me a specific request indicating the reason for the
request, travelor's name, amount of support (ie half or full), etc. If
the requests are modest, we’ll figure out a way to fund it out of
FY10’s adopted budget. If the requests are not modest, we’ll
circle back with the GNSO Council on possible solutions. Kevin Wilson CFO |