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[council] Other issues in the Policy Staff recommendation for transition

· How Council vacancies, if any, will be handled during the transition period;

I do not understand this question.

What is the transition period: 23-30 October 2009? or xx October 2009 - xx October 2011? Or some other interval between those two?

And in any case why would this be any different then the way it is now, i.e. the entity (constituency, SG or nomcom) that chose the person, replaces the person for the balance of the replaced person's term.
· For each Stakeholder Group, how each assigned Council seat to take effect at the 2009 ICANN annual meeting will be filled, whether through a continuation of an existing term or a new election or appointment;

Isn't this an issue for each of the SGs. Or is there a belief that this should be standardized across all of the SGs? if so, why?
· How it plans to address staggered terms such that the new GNSO Council preserves as much continuity as reasonably possible; and

I guess this depends on whether we are allowed to let people just continue with their terms after being reconfirmed, or are not allowed to do so. As we still have not seen the new Bylaws, it is hard to know.

The other obvious possibility, except for the CSG, is that every election or appointment would be for the balance of time of a current council member's term. And it might need some readjustment in the NCSG depending on whether the Board is using up all of the 2 year terms thus forcing the NCUC into just having 1 year terms. The CSG issue if complicated, but as I understand it, they are sing a constituency based seating model and thus each constituency could choose one persona for a 1 year term and 1 persona for a two year terms.

Again this seems to be an SG specific issue.
·      The effect of Bylaws term limits on each Council member.

Doesn't one just count the number of full terms a council member has served? if < 2 they can run again, if >2 they can't.
