[council] Updated Statement of Interest.
Statement of Interest related to ICANN and the work of the GNSO
Council including its various committees, working groups and drafting
updated 090806
I am an independent research consultant and a part time adjunct
professor at Luleå University of Technology (LTU) in Sweden. At LTU I
supervise two Ph.D. students on Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking
Technology (DTN) and am responsible for creating a curriculum in
Internet Governance. As a professor I am partially funded by European
Community's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2011 under grant
agreement n° 223994.
I have a recurring part-time contract with UN-DESA and the Internet
Governance Forum as a consultant on Internet Governance and WSIS
follow-up activities. I am an associate of the Interisle Consulting
Group, and currently have a Statement of Work with them and am engaged
on state and municipal network designs and related governance issues.
I have no involvement in any contracts Interisle may have with ICANN
and maintain a strict wall between my activities with Interisle and
their ICANN related activities.
As part of my volunteer activities I give advice to various
representatives of indigenous nomadic and semi-nomadic populations on
Internet topics which include the possibility of obtaining a gTLD.
These activities may involve providing assistance in obtaining a TLD
including assistance in raising the necessary funding for a TLD, when
and if that is an appropriate solution to their goals. I am not,
however, currently involved in any such efforts. I also occasionally
give advice within the UN system on Internet topics including TLD
issues but am not involved in any activities the UN may or may not
have related to obtaining TLDs.
On 4 August 2009, I joined the NCUC in solidarity due to the
mistreatment I believe the Non Commercial SG received in the
restructuring process. I am especially concerned about the imposition
by the Board of a charter that was not accepted by the NCSG, and by
the disdainful treatment of community comment. I am also disturbed
that the requirement for parity and equal conditions among the 4
Stakeholder Groups, something that was central to the restructuring
plan, has been ignored when it comes to the NCSG. For the duration
of my term, however, I will continue to function within the council as
an NCA and as Chair in the same manner as I have up until now. That
is, I will not be speaking for the NCUC on any issues within the
purview of the GNSO Council, but will be speaking in my independent
In terms of the GNSO Council and its various working groups,
committees and teams, I currently have no employment, contract,
statement of work, financial interest, share ownership or any other
business relationship with ICANN, registries or registrars except as a
registrant of several domain names. I participate in ICANN as a pro-
bono activity because I believe in ICANN's mission as a volunteer/
multistakeholder led organization.