Dear Council Members;
At the Thursday 6 November Council Recap and Planning meeting in
Cairo, the attending Council members discussed the need to respond
to the Board’s directive to submit a GNSO Council Restructuring
Implementation Plan for Board Review in advance of the 11 December
Board meeting.
There was general consensus that given the short time available,
that the best course of action was to develop a plan that
highlighted the key benchmarks, deadlines and decisions that the
Council would need to address in the coming months. It was further
agreed that each constituency would make efforts to assign/volunteer
an individual or individuals to help develop the plan/report.
To help get the ball rolling, Avri has asked me to prepare a draft
outline of what the report/plan might look like, including the key
decisions that the Council would need to address in the short and
long term to achieve the June 2009 goal of seating the new Council.
Set forth in the attached document I have drafted an outline, sample
calendar/timeline and a list of potential key transition/
implementation decisions that, collectively could be used to develop
the report/plan. I hope the material sparks further discussion and
deliberations prior to and during the upcoming Council meeting on 20
November. In the meantime, feel free to red-line and circulate the
document with your thoughts and ideas.
I look forward to supporting the Council’s efforts to develop and
submit the plan/report to the Board.
Best regards,
Rob Hoggarth
Robert L. Hoggarth, Esq.
Senior Policy Director
424 558 4805
<GNSO Council Restructuring Implementation Plan Strawman (RHV1).doc>