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[council] GNSO Council resolutions - Cairo, Nov 208

[To: council[at]gnso.icann.org]
[To: liaison6[at]gnso.icann.org]

Dear Council Members,

Ahead of the complete minutes, please find the motions that were passed by the 
GNSO Council at the Cairo meeting on Wednesday, 5 November 2008.

Kind regards,
1. Mike Rodenbaugh, seconded by Zahid Jamil and Kristina Rosette proposed a 
motion on the extension of Public Comment Periods during ICANN meetings

Whereas, ICANN's meetings require the full attention of GNSO Councilors and 
many other GNSO participants.

Whereas, ICANN has many ongoing public comment periods of significant interest 
to many GNSO Councilors and participants.

Whereas, ICANN's typical comment periods are already difficult for many members 
of the ICANN community, particularly those that must consult with members of 
their Constituency and/or member organization(s).


The GNSO Council strongly urges ICANN Staff to extend, for seven days, any 
public comment periods which overlap with any of the seven days of an ICANN 

Motion passed with one abstention from Adrian Kinderis (two votes)

2. Avri Doria, seconded by Philip Sheppard and Robin Gross, proposed a Motion 
on a GNSO Liaison to ccNSO

As the GNSO and ccNSO have agreed to exchange liaisons,

The GNSO approves the appointment of Olga Cavalli, a Nomcom appointee, as the 
GNSO Liaison to the ccNSO until the end of the 2009 annual meeting or until she 
leaves the council, whichever comes first.

Unanimously passed by voice vote.

3. Avri Doria,  seconded by Chuck Gomes proposed a motion on the Issues report 
on Registration Abuse Policies

The GNSO acknowledges receipt of the Issues Report on Registrations Abuse 
Policies, and

Thanks Staff for the report and its timely delivery

The GNSO resolves to begin discussions of the issues report and the possible 
initiation of a PDP at its next regular meeting.

Unanimously passed by voice vote.
4. Thank You Motions

In recognition of the service to the ICANN community the following council 
members have provided over the years,

In recognition of the many hours of meetings and preparation for meetings,

In recognition of the many miles and hours flown to attend a week's worth of 
meetings three times a year,

The council expresses its gratitude to the retiring GNSO Council members:

Jon Bing - 2 years
Robin Gross - 4 years
Tom Keller - 5 years
Norbert Klein - 3 years

Thank You Motion #2 for someone who isn't leaving
Whereas every year, we thank retiring GNSO Council members for their service,

And in recognition of the fact that there is one person who rarely gets public 
thanks, but without whom we could not function as a Council,

The GNSO Council wishes to gratefully extend its continuing thanks to Glen de 
Saint Gery for being the sprit behind the GNSO and for the many many many 
things she does.

This thanks is extended with the hope that Glen will remain the force behind 
the council for many years to come.

Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat

Attachment: motions.ppt
Description: motions.ppt