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[gnso-dow123] Re: [council] Draft WHOIS terms of reference

On 5/6/2005 1:00 AM Bruce Tonkin noted that:

I welcome discussion on the Council and WHOIS task force lists prior to
the GNSO Council call.

I'm running out the door to catch a flight, so I can only pass on a very quick comment after a cursory review. Overall, I think the proposed TOR is extremely close to where it needs to be...

(2) Define the purpose of the technical and administrative contacts, in
the context of the purpose of WHOIS, to improve the accuracy and
relevance of the data collected.

Some, or perhaps all, of this task was completed by the transfers task force. The recommendations of the TF included statements of definition of the contacts, although I can't remember whether these included a definition of purpose. This should be clarified prior to requesting more work in this area...



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        - Charles W. Eliot (1834 - 1926)