[council] Resignation of the Chair of WHOIS TF3
Hello All,
Unfortunately Brian Darville has had to resign from chairing WHOIS TF3
due to other commitments.
I thank Brian for his efforts in chairing the TF3 and working to
identify a consensus position.
It seemed that there was some progress in discussions involving the
whole Council in Cape Town.
If the Council agrees, I am prepared to chair a couple of extra meetings
in January 2005 to get some agreement around some high-level
recommendations (similar to those developed so far by WHOIS TF1/2), and
then leave the Task Force to elect a new chair and flesh out the detail
of recommendations in a report suitable for public comment and
eventually formal approval as a consensus recommendation.
Bruce Tonkin
-----Original Message-----
From: Brian Darville
Sent: Wednesday, 22 December 2004 1:59 AM
To: Bruce Tonkin
Subject: Task Force 3 - Resignation as Chair and From the Task Force
Dear Bruce:
I am writing to formally notify you that I am resigning from
participation in Task Force 3, including my role as Chair of the Task
Force. Due to other professional commitments I have undertaken
recently, I cannot continue to participate in the Task Force.
I had originally planned that my participation in the Task Force would
end in October 2004. I stayed on through December in an effort to reach
consensus on the narrow recommendations the Task Force had been
considering this fall. However, we were unable to reach a consensus.
At this point, I believe it will be fruitful for the IPC to appoint
another Task Force representative who can more fully participate in the
Task Force, including traveling to the various ICANN meetings.
I appreciate your assisting the Task Force this Fall, and wish you and
the other Task Force members a swift resolution of the Task Force's
remaining work.
Brian Darville
Oblon, Spivak