Bruce et al -
I think the draft self-review report is a very
good and useful document
Now, following our discussion yesterday, I would
like to draw your attention to recommendation 14 of the "Sharry"
(external review document) which states that "The Council needs to work
with ICANN operational staff to develop a compliance policy with graded
penalties". Additionally, ICANN's draft
strategic plan includes a sentence (p.32) on ICANN's current plans for "planned escalation of actions, including
legal and specific performance remedies, to correct ongoing harm and provide
greater flexibility and legitimacy for the compliance
I would recommend that we add a
recommendation of the same kind under point 5) of our self-review
document. I suggest the following wording:
To the
extent that the lack of intermediate sanctions for non-compliance with
contractual obligations presents a significant impediment to compliance
activities, the GNSO should, without prejudice to efforts to enforce
existing contractual obligations, develop recommendations for a system of
graduated or intermediate sanctions for incorporation in revised
contracts. As an initial step, ICANN legal counsel should brief GNSO
Council (or a relevant subgroup/task force) on ICANN's current plans
to correct ongoing harm and provide greater flexibility and legitimacy for
the compliance function.
Kind regards