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[council] Draft Agenda for Council meeting - 3 March 2004

Hello All,

Attached is a draft agenda for the meeting in Rome.  Note item 4
regarding GNSO planning for the remainder of 2004.  I recommend we focus
on what measurable outcomes we are seeking as an organisation for gtlds
(taking into account ICANN the company and the GNSO as the policy
development body for gtlds).  We also need to consider what is
achieveable from the current ICANN staff resources for 2004 - both in
terms of ability to support policy development, as well as implement
policy outcomes.

It is pointless doing policy work if the policy can't be implemented by
ICANN and the GNSO constituencies, and if we can't measure whether the
policy work was successful.

We should treat policy development work as a process of continual
refinement rather than trying to determine a final solution for any
problem, and to do this we need to be clear on the outcomes we are
seeking and be able to track performance against those outcomes.

Bruce Tonkin

Item 1: Approval of minutes of last meeting
- 19 Feb 2004
- Actions arising

Item 2: Update on WHOIS task forces  (30 mins)
Receive an update from the WHOIS task force chairs
- key outcomes from workshops
- assess current level of consensus
- possible recommendations

Item 3:Update on PDP for approval process for gtld registry changes  (30
Receive an update from the GNSO Committee chair (Bruce Tonkin)
- key outcomes from workshops
- assess current level of consensus
- possible recommendations

Item 4: GNSO 2004 planning  (60 mins)
- what are the measurable outcomes we are seeking from ICANN for 2004
given its current level of resourcing - ie how do we measure success
from policy work?
(examples may include establishing a baseline for current number of
transfer complaints to ICANN, and seeking to reduce that by some
percentage, or establishing a baseline for WHOIS data accuracy, and
seeking to improve that etc)

- what are the priority areas for further work
Note the following ranked list of priorities was discussed in the
meeting of 29 October 2004:
(1) registry services 
(3) new gtlds 
(4) enforcement 
(5) UDRP
Marc Schneiders has also suggested considering policy aspects associated
with possible 
re-assignment of the .net gtld.

Item 5: Any other business

Bruce Tonkin