Re: [council] FW: Statement of New Registry Services PDP
>>> Amadeu Abril i Abril <Amadeu@xxxxxxxxxx> 10/16/03 01:58PM >>>
>But outisde the fairly reduced circle of professional
>antiICANN fighters
Try to be more, um, professional, Amadeu.
I thought we have left behind the days in ICANN when
policy debates could be short-circuited by claims
that anyone who disagreed with management was
a tool of NSI or out to destroy ICANN.
But, perhaps I am just jealous, you do seem to make a
better living as a professional ICANN-o-crat (someone
else pays to fly you to meetings) than I have making
a profession of "ICANN fighting" (no travel expenses,
one gets excluded from most committees and positions).
Circulating from gTLD-MoU to DNSO to ICANN Board
and back to self-appointed position to the GNSO, your
profession truly does seem to be ICANN. But that does
also raise questions about the objectivity of your legal
advice to ICANN's contracting parties.
>I still have to see a single serious
>intellectual argument on that direction.
Apparently you ignored the law review article I produced.
Or have the University of Illinois and the Berkeley Law School
been relegated to your ever-expanding circle of "professional
ICANN fighters"?