Bruce Tonkin wrote: [...]
I assume we will be hearing more from the ICANN President on the request to the GNSO, but we should start considering how to manage this request. Note especially the deadline of 15 Jan 2003.
Err, we'll be late ;-) Perhaps for 2004, we could manage it!
I will place the issue on the agenda for the meeting in Carthage, but it may be worthwhile having a short 1 hour teleconference in the next 14 days to discuss the agenda for Carthage in more detail and possibly schedule some targeted meetings in advance to deal with specific items of the GNSO agenda prior to the formal meeting (which will be the last meeting of the Counsel with its present membership).
If we hold this new televonf at usual day (Thursday) and time (12:00 UTC) I would be able on both 9th and 16th, but probably not on the 23rd.