[bugtraq] Thread Index
- OpenSER OSP Module remote code execution, sapheal (December 28, 2006)
- SMS handling OpenSER remote code executing, sapheal (December 28, 2006)
- [OpenPKG-SA-2006.044] OpenPKG Security Advisory (w3m), OpenPKG GmbH (December 28, 2006)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1214-2] Updated gv packages fix arbitrary code execution, Moritz Muehlenhoff (December 28, 2006)
- [SECURITY] [DSA 1244-1] New xine-lib packages fix arbitrary code execution, Moritz Muehlenhoff (December 28, 2006)
- XSS in script Mobilelib GOLD v2, gamr-14 (December 29, 2006)
- XSS with default page parameter in Oracle Portal 10g, duchaikhtn (December 29, 2006)
- QuickCam linux device driver allows arbitrary code execution, sapheal (December 29, 2006)
- LDU <= 8.x (journal.php) SQL Injection Vulnerability, starext (December 29, 2006)
- DoceboLMS Xss Vuln., starext (December 29, 2006)
- csrss.exe double-free vulnerability - arbitrary DWORD overwrite exploit, Reversemode (December 30, 2006)
- MythControl (MythTV remote control) arbitrary code execution, sapheal (December 30, 2006)
- SoftArtisans FileUp(TM) viewsrc.asp remote script source disclosure exploit, inge_eivind . henriksen (December 30, 2006)
- [vuln.sg] iso_wincmd Plugin for Total Commander Buffer Overflow Vulnerability, vulnpost-remove (December 30, 2006)
- Enigma Coppermine Bridge (boarddir) Remote File Include, xorontr (December 30, 2006)
- Enigma WordPress Bridge (boarddir) Remote File Include, xorontr (December 30, 2006)
- Spooky Login Multiple HTML Injection Vulnerability, DoZ (January 01, 2007)
- Rediff Bol Downloader Allows Downloading and Spawning Arbitary Files, gregory_panakkal (January 01, 2007)
- WinZip FileView ActiveX controls CreateNewFolderFromName Method Buffer Overflow Vulnerability, 76693223 (January 01, 2007)
- PHPIrc_bot <= Remote File Include, zooz_998 (January 01, 2007)
- vBulletin vCard PRO XSS, exexp (January 01, 2007)
- WinZip10.0 FileView ActiveX Controls CreateNewFolderFromName Method Buffer overflow, 76693223 (January 01, 2007)
- [NGSEC] ngGame #3 - BrainStorming, labs@NGSEC (January 01, 2007)
- BattleBlog Database Download Vulnerability, Advisory (January 01, 2007)
- Kerio Fake 'iphlpapi' DLL injection Vulnerability, Matousec - Transparent security Research (January 01, 2007)
- golden book XSS, sn0oPy . team (January 01, 2007)
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