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Re: Directory traversal in SafeNet Sentinel Protection and Key Server

Hello everyone, was the server rebooted after the patch was installed?

I just setup a  SafeNet Sentinel Protection Server SafeNet Sentinel Keys Server 
7.4 and the exploit worked. 

Once I isntalled the patch, and rebooted,  when I try to run the exploit the 
server repsonds with "The Page Cannot be Displayed"

Take Care --John

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Luigi Auriemma <aluigi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> #######################################################################
>                              Luigi Auriemma
> Application:  SafeNet Sentinel Protection Server
>               SafeNet Sentinel Keys Server
>               http://www.safenet-inc.com
> Versions:     <= (aka SPI740SecurityPatch)
> Platforms:    Windows
> Bug:          directory traversal
> Exploitation: remote
> Date:         10 Feb 2008
> Author:       Luigi Auriemma
>               e-mail: aluigi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>               web:    aluigi.org
> #######################################################################
> 1) Introduction
> 2) Bug
> 3) The Code
> 4) Fix
> #######################################################################
> ===============
> 1) Introduction
> ===============
> The Sentinel Protection and Key Server are two simple webservers for
> the monitoring of the licenses and listen respectively on ports 6002
> and 7002.
> #######################################################################
> ======
> 2) Bug
> ======
> Both the webservers are affected by a directory traversal
> vulnerability exploitable using the backslash delimiter (the servers
> don't support hex chars) allowing an attacker to download any file in
> the disk on which the services are installed.
> It's funny to note that the security patch available from November 2007
> was released just to fix a directory traversal vulnerability but they
> dropped only the slash delimiter leaving the backslash working.
> #######################################################################
> ===========
> 3) The Code
> ===========
> GET /..\..\..\..\..\..\..\boot.ini HTTP/1.0
> #######################################################################
> ======
> 4) Fix
> ======
> No fix
> #######################################################################
> --- 
> Luigi Auriemma
> http://aluigi.org