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BLOG:CMS 4.2.1.c (DIR_PLUGINS) Multiple Remote File Include

# Name : BLOG:CMS 4.2.1.c (DIR_PLUGINS)  Multiple Remote File Include
# Download From : 
Or Here http://blogcms.com
# Found By : RoMaNcYxHaCkEr                  We Are H-T TeaM (Houssamix - ToXiC)
# Home Page : Not Yet :(     Tryag.cc/cc        No-Hack.net     V99x.com/vb     
Google Dork : Powered by  Personal Content Management System © 2003-2005 Radek 


# Vulne Code In Files index.php & media.php & server.php :

index.php In Line 19 :


media.php In Line 32 :

include($DIR_LIBS . 'MEDIA.php');

server.php In Line 69 :

include($DIR_LIBS . "xmlrpc.inc.php");
include($DIR_LIBS . "xmlrpcs.inc.php");

# Exploit :




That,s It,s

Good Luck Everybody

# Greet To :

"Cold Z3ro My Master , !!Hack-back!!" (Hackteach.org)

Tryag TeaM :"Mahmood_ali , cRMINEL_NET , Mohajer22 , Dr-Ha!l , LoVeRs Hacker , 
Abdullah00 , Athabi Ker , Mr-Wolf ...etc"  (Tryag.com)

Hack15 TeaM :"GeNiUs-HaCkEr , Mr-AljoOOker , Mr-Shares , So9or , KsA HaCkEr 
...etc" (V99x.com)

Sniper-Sa TeaM :"Sniper-sa , Golden-Hacker , Sho3ter , VerySecret , nOUR-Ice 

Yee7 TeaM : "ShockShadow ( My Best Friend ), HoUrIcAn , ...etc"(Yee7.com)

H-T TeaM : " Houusamix , ToXiC "(no-hack.net)

Str0ck (Milw0rm.com)

Also: Saudi Kafo , Adel Alroh , Mr-Google , Kill eye , AlQaTaRi , God-Father 
And All My Friends

# For Contact : RxH@xxxxxxxxxx

# Note : Alwayse Don,t See In The Top To Feeling Pain In Your Neck !!!

Best Wishes

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