Re: Standing Up Against German Laws - Project HayNeedle
On Tuesday 13 November 2007 15:29, Florian Echtler wrote:
> [snip]
> As a native German speaker, allow me to clarify: with respect to IP
> communication, the law mandates saving the following information for
> 6 months:
> - which customer was assigned which IP for what timespan
> - sender mail address, receiver mail address and sender IP for each
> mail - in case of VOIP: caller and callee phone number and IP address
The mail addresses can only be stored if the server through which the
mail is relayed (or on which it originates) falls under the law. I'd
presume that's not a significant percentage of all mails sent out from
any country.
Of course, it's also possible to track (snoop) all SMTP traffic on the
network, but that's totally different from just keeping mail and AAA
server logs and from my understanding that's not what this law
-- Raju
Raj Mathur raju@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Freedom in Technology & Software || February 2008 ||
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