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Re: [Full-disclosure] A Botted Fortune 500 a Day

Is this in anyway surprising?  I think we all know the answer is no.  Many
Fortune 500 companies have more employees than some ISPs have customers. 
Should we really expect differently?

Also, as a side note, I would like to add that just because SPAM is coming
from a certain gateway does not necessarily mean that the machines on
their network are infected.  We could assume this, but then again I would
have to assume Microsoft's network is full of bots because I get SPAM
originating from Hotmail.com.  It might be logical and in many cases to
assume this, but it's worth noting this may not be the case.


> Support Intelligence releases daily reports on different fortune 500
> companies which are heavily affected by the botnet problem, with many
> compromised machines on their networks.
> You can find more information on their blog:
> http://blog.support-intelligence.com/
> They are good people, and they know botnets.
>       Gadi.
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> !DSPAM:461e546e15211693416514!