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Cold Fusion Web Server XSS 0 day

Title: Cold Fusion Web Server XSS 0 day
Own3d by: digi7al64
thx: WhiteAcid
About: Default settings in Cold Fusion server ensure it returns a standardized 
error page whenever a exception occurs (404,500 etc). This page then echos the 
user agent, ip and referer back to the user for debugging purposes. 
Unfortunately though, whilst the referer is encoded to stop xss, the user agent 
isn't. Hence spoofing of the user agent allows xss to be performed.
Googledork: intitle:Error Occurred While Processing Request.

POC (IE6/IE7 only - can't spoof headers in FF or Opera with flash):

**Make sure you change http://example.com/ to target url for POC to work**