flashChat 4.7.8 Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability
/*\ Flashchat 4.7.8 /*\
Date of written Advisory: February 04, 2007
Product: Flash Chat =< 4.7.8
Vendor: http://tufat.com/
Description: flashChat is a highly customizable PHP/MySQL based chat room
script that is easily integrated into a website and mimics IRC in it's command
Exploit(s) / Vulnerability(ies): flashChat is vulnerable to Cross Site
Scripting in info.php when the 'add room' function is enabled, which is a
default setting and therefore very common. The follow block of code shows
variables being displayed without any filtration:
PoC(s): create a new channel with the following in the title:
<script>alert('test')</script> and use the "who's online" feature on the HTML
login page. This could obviously be used for cookie stealing and other
malicious attacks.
Vendor Status: Vendor was not informed before publication.
Solution: The vendor has yet to publish a solution for the exploit. There is
an unofficial patch on binaryloc's homepage.