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PT News 1.7.8 (Search.php) XSS Vulnerability

PT News 1.7.8 (Search.php) XSS Vulnerability
PT News
Version: 1.7.8
Website URL:http://www.openbg.net/ptsite/
Discoved by Snake 
[Unkn0wn Security Researcher]
The original article can be found at: 
Un3ecure Digital Security Team
Gr33tZ t0 :Zer0c00l - Mr.2s - chester - 0.1 - Pc Er0r  - Street Shark
Vulnerable code is in Search.php 
in line 12 :
  <? echo $pgname; ?>
the varible no check input value and echo every code
Ex:<Script>alert('Snake was 
You can execute your code and hijack Session.