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SolpotCrew Advisory #7 - AlstraSoft Template Seller Remote File Include Vulnerability

#        AlstraSoft Template Seller Remote File Include Vulnerability 
#        Download file : http://www.alstrasoft.com/template.htm
#       Bug Found By : NoGe a.k.a da_jackass 
#       contact: jong_amq@xxxxxxxxxxx 
#       Website : http://nyubicrew.org/adv/Noge_adv_01.txt
#      Greetz: skulmatic[thanks for sharing knowledge] h4ntu[for the video] 
olibekas solpotcrew PremanMedan
#              yooogy[pa bozz] siwa^lima sagu mousekill ilalang13
#              #papmahackerlink #nyubi #maluku-hacker #papuahacker
# Vulnerable found in 

payment_result.php and spuser_result.php 

line 6 include("$config[template_path]/onlyheader.php"); 
line 7 include("$config[template_path]/onlysearch.php"); 

# Exploit 



# google dork 

"Powered by AlstraSoft Template Seller" 
