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Mambo CatalogShop Remote File Inclusion

                #                       Aria-Security.net Advisory              
                #                       Discovered  by: O.U.T.L.A.W             
                          #                     #                       < 
www.Aria-security.net >                                         #
                #               Gr33t to: A.U.R.A & Hessam-X & Cl0wn & DrtRp    

#Software: Mambo CatalogShop
#Attack method: Remote File Inclusion   
#Descriptio : This is a modified version of the FacileForms mambot, which 
allows you to add and view user comments and ratings below content in the 
categories setup in xtdratings. Just publish it!

# Variables - Don't change anything here!!!


#Proof of Concept:                                                              
#Contact : Outlaw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx