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OZJournal v1.5 - XSS

OZJournal v1.5


Affected files:
search input box
viewing archives
show comment page

XSS vulnerability via search input box:

Data isn't properly sanatized before being displayed. For a PoC in the search 
input box put: <script>alert('Hello')</script>. A full path disclosure error 
also will occur with this example due to functions.php.

Warning: preg_match(): Unknown modifier 'c' in /home/www/site/functions.php on 
line 570


XSS vuln viewing archives by month via m variable.



XSS vuln viewing archives by category via c variable:


XSS vuln after submitting a comment.

Data in the input name box isn't sanatized on the show post comments screen 
after submitting a comment. 

However, when displaying comments in the journal everything is properly 
sanatized and filtered. For a PoC 

in the name input box put: 
