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Re: XSS in orkut.com

Google has investigated this report and verified the validity of this
bug.  It has been fixed.  We take the security of our services and
users very seriously, and work to rapidly resolve any reported

In the interest of minimizing the impact that security vulnerabilities
have on our end users, we highly encourage anyone who discovers a
vulnerability in a Google product or service to follow responsible
disclosure policies by contacting us first at security@xxxxxxxxxxx

-- Cory Altheide
-- Incident Response Lead
-- Google Security Team
-- security@xxxxxxxxxx

On 5/15/06, Rohin Koul <rohin.koul@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I found this little XSS thing with the search.aspx page of orkut.com.
The page uses GET method to get user criteria for searching the
profiles of people.
The fields textboxAgeFrom and textboxAgeTo in the URL are not verified
and one can inject any html code using these parameters.
Proof of concept

Note: You should be logged in to orkut to access this page.

"if you don't know where you are going,
what difference does it make,which path you take"
---Cheshire Cat

-- Cory Altheide
-- Incident Response Lead
-- Google Security Team